
Rewarding effort, celebrating success

Please request your badges via the form below.

Your badges will take approximately 10 working days if they are not held in stock. Please note, that due to free delivery limits from Scout Wholesale, orders less than £50 will be held until their are enough district orders to exceed £50. If your order is less that £50 and you need your badges sooner, postage of £1.99 will will be applied.

Orders that contain any non-badge items (i.e. certificates & woggles) may incur a delivery fee due to Scout Wholesales policies.

Payment for badges will be due upon delivery.

Prices: (as at 9th December 2024)

Core Badges:

District Badges – 90p each

Membership Badge – 93p each

Moving on Awards – 93p each

Joining in Awards – 93p each

Patrol Badges – 93p each

Activity Badges:

Activity Badges – 93p each

Staged Activity Badges – 93p each

You Shape Badges – 93p each

Awards & Challenge Awards:

Challenge Badges – 93p each

Chief Scout Awards – 93p each

Yorkshire Challenge – Free

Leadership Stripes – 93p each

Badge Order v3
Postage (Scout Wholesale now require badge orders above £50 to qualify for free postage)