So you want to become a volunteer with Scouts?
Thank you for considering being a volunteer with Scouts. There are many varied roles where we could gain benefit from your skills and knowledge. These roles range from direct involvement with our Youth members to admin and governance roles. One of our aims is to make sure that each volunteer is matched to the right role and that you are happy with the role that you will be undertaking. To start on your journey can you please complete the Adult Volunteer Form found here if you haven’t done so already and identify which roles you would like:
For our list of available opportunities please go to the scout association website using the qr code below or go to this link and enter your location
The Appointment Process
When Scouting is at its most successful, it is often because of the skill, commitment and ability of the adults involved.
That is why the appointment of adults into appropriate roles is one of the most important responsibilities in Scouting. To help us do this we have a simple appointments process which is made up of three stages, these are:
Stage 1: Application
During the application stage you will have a discussion with the lead volunteer, eg: Section Leader, Group Lead Volunteer (GLV), as to what tasks/ role you would like to do, skills you would like to use, and the time you are able to commit. We are keen to ensure that you are happy with the role/ tasks you are going to undertake and that you are not overstretching yourself in terms of time.
The Lead Volunteer will talk you through the training for the role you have agreed and how the appointments process works. You will also receive information on Safeguarding and a copy of the Yellow Card.
Once you have completed an Adult information form and a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service), your details will be put onto our volunteer membership system and you will move onto the next stage.
Stage 2: Approval
Route A: for all roles (except Trustee Board members and Administrators).
Once we have received your cleared DBS check and references we will invite you to a short meeting for a Welcome Conversation . The purpose of the conversation is to ensure that all adults applying for a role in Scouting are suitable for the appointment and understand the role/ tasks and training for which they are agreeing to.
What will happen at the conversation Firstly, it’s nothing to worry about! The conversation will be with two experienced volunteer members of Scouting in your area and will last around 30 minutes. You will have a chat to find out if you are aware of the values and policies of The Scout Association and that you understand the requirements of the role to which you have agreed. As soon as possible after, you will receive notification of a satisfactory outcome.
Route B: for Trustee Board members and Administrators
For Trustee Board members:
Your Scout Council (normally at the Annual General Meeting), will approve your election or nomination.
For co-opted members of Trustee Boards or Administrators: Your Trustee Board will approve your appointment.
Stage 3: Appointment
Once your role has been approved (using route A or B), you will then move to the appointment stage of the process. In this stage, your induction will start, you will meet your induction mentor, complete your Getting Started induction training and learn more about training opportunities and ongoing learning. At the end of this stage (within 5 months) you should have completed the process and be ready to fully take on your role with support and guidance from your Group.
Learning Help & Support
Our district has a team who are here to help and support you through all your learning needs. If you need to get in touch with one of our advisors, please email and we will put you in touch with the Volunteer Development Team.
Getting Started Training
To support you in your first five months of volunteering with the Scouts, there are a number of training modules for you to complete.
The modules that make up your Getting Started Training are listed below (You can complete these in any order).
The following modules can be completed as independent learning and validated by successfully completing the online assessment at the end of the module.
Once completed, email any certificates to our District Training Advisors at:
Essential Information – Module 1
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with the essential information needed to get started in their role.
Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) – Module 3
The aim of this module is to provide the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safety practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safeguarding practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of what the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) means for them, their Scout Group, District and County and how to effectively align with it.
Essential Information – Module 1
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with the essential information needed to get started in their role.
Trustee Introduction
The aim of this module is to provide information on your role in managing a charity with information on your legal responsibilities and current regulations.
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safety practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safeguarding practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of what the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) means for them, their Scout Group, District and County and how to effectively align with it.
Essential Information – Module 1
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with the essential information needed to get started in their role.
Tools for the Role (Section Leaders) – Module 3
The aim of this module is to provide the basic information on the individual’s role or area of responsibility and some practical help to get the individual started in the role.
Tools for the Role (Managers and Supporters) – Module 4
The aim of this module is to provide key information about the individual’s role, areas of responsibility and where they can find further information and support. Topics covered include:
Role responsibilities and responsibilities of those they line manage or work closely with
Six areas of leadership and management
Managing time and personal skills
Ensuring quality programme
Trustee Introduction
The aim of this module is to provide information on your role in managing a charity with information on your legal responsibilities and current regulations.
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safety practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of safeguarding practice and responsibilities as a member of Scouts, to keep everyone safe.
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
The aim of this module is to provide all adults in Scouting with an understanding of what the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) means for them, their Scout Group, District and County and how to effectively align with it.
After you have completed any training, you then need to validate your learning. The adult personal file contains further information on this. You can download a copy from the following link when you begin the next steps in your training:
Validation is completed by a district Training Advisor. Before you begin your Getting Started training or soon after, you will meet with a Training Adviser who will explain the scheme fully. A Training Adviser’s role is to support you through your training. They will help you identify which of the modules you need to complete, and then decide with you whether you need to complete any training for them. From then on you will receive ongoing support from one or more Training Advisers, who will review your progress and ensure that you can put the learning from each module into practice.
Earning your Wood Badge
The wood badge is an award given to leaders to recognise that they have achieved a certain level of training to work with our Youth Members. Leaders will be supported to complete their Wood Badge training over the next few years. There are a further 16 Modules which can be found here:
The remaining modules can be done online, one to one, by workbooks or on a course. Some courses are held on an evening locally, some are weekend courses where a number of modules are done together. These courses are great as they give you an opportunity to meet like-minded people from other Scouting areas and exchange ideas. On completion of your training, you receive your Wood Badge.
Central Yorkshire County Training
Follow this link for details of training courses held by the County:
For more information speak to your Group Scout Leader, District Commissioner or Local Training Manager (